supplements vs healthy diet plan - which is better

How a Diet Plan Helps to Lose Weight More Effectively Than Supplements: Insights from Dietitian Diksha Sharma

When you are looking to lose weight, people go towards supplements and products. But have you think, these supplements really work for long term? Answer is Big No!!! On the other hand, if we talk about personalised diet plan for weight loss, it’s not only cut the calories but provide the holistic and effective approach to shred the extra pounds.

How Diet Plan for Weight Loss is much better over the Supplements?

  1. Long term result: Weight loss is not always to loose the extra kgs infact it is about to maintain healthy weight all the time. If you take supplements, it will show the results immediate but what happens after don’t use these supplements? When you leave the supplements for sometimes, it directly affects on your body, it gives you weight gain again, nutrient deficiencies in your body. But a well structured Diet Plan focus on your healthy eating habits for the long time and maintain your healthy lifestyle rather than quick fixes.
  2. Balance Nutrition: Supplements works only one nutrient not like balanced diet plan. A balanced diet plan included essential nutrients – proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. This type of diet plan prevents you from nutrient deficiencies and protects to other health issues.
  3. Customised Approach: Supplements is not designed according to your need. But a customised diet plan designed according to your body type, metabolism, health conditions and activity level.
  4. Holistic Health: A balanced diet plan not only work on weight loss or weight gain even improved digestive system, better sleep, energy levels, and immunity system. But do you think supplements work all the health conditions? In some cases, yes it works but not every time.

Why Dietitian Diksha Sharma is the best dietitian for weight loss and disease management:


If you want to loose weight or manager chronic diseases like diabetes, thyroid, PCOD/PCOS, hypertension. skin & hair problems, Dietitian Diksha Sharma is one the best dietitian.

Dietitian Diksha personally consult with clients to their weight loss and disease management. She understand the clients’ condition, their needs. On the all discussion she crafted a customised diet plan over the supplements. If you are looking for the Punjabi Diet Plan or any traditional diet plan, she ensures your food choices and assigned the diet plan with your lifestyle.

She doesn’t deal only in weight loss even she has experience to manage diseases via diet. Whether you are suffering from imbalance harmones, metabolic disorders, or digestive order, her experience ensures you to give you right nutrient meal plan and improve your overall health.

Apart from her experience, most important helpful factor is, she provides 24×7 services throughout your healthy journey. She doesn’t only work on personalised meal plan even she offers regular follow-ups to track your health progress and make adjustments according to your body.

Dt. Diksha understands that health is not about physical body infact mental health also plays a crucial role in weight management and disease management. She gives you holistic advice for both mental and physical health, which results in a healthy lifestyle with food and yourself.


While supplements gives you quick results but for short term only and also don’t address deeper factors that contribute to weight management. However, a meal plan for weight loss can customised according to you with including all necessary nutrients.

If you are ready to start healthy lifestyle journey, consult with Dietitian Diksha Sharma. You can also book the free video consultation with her!

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