Pooja Mahajan

I started my journey with Healthy2BFit about one month ago. I had lots of health issues and weight issue. When I called at the contact number of Health2BFit, I heard the sweet voice of a girl named DIKSHA. She has been guiding me on this ‘being fit’ journey since day 1 and there hasn’t been a day when she has not been in contact with me personally to help me in any way I need. I am loosing weight and inches and getting confident in myself. All this is happening because of Diksha. Although I am moving ahead on a slow pace but Diksha continues to encourage me to have faith in me and to keep on going. I want to thank Diksha and Healthy2BFit for everything. If anyone is considering joining them please do so without hesitation because they are THE BEST. Pooja from Perth, Western Australia.

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